Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Why am I worried...

Hey sometimes i think why i should worrry about all this now. I am only 22.5 and i think a lot about this stuff.... hey i am a techie... and still why am i wasting soo much time after this... ?

May be because i look a lot older than i am...
May be because people whom i meet for the first time usually ask me "Whats your wife doing "?? Some have even asked me .. how many kids i have.... ??

May be because I feeel its very important... or i do have fears that i might fail to be a good husband, or my wife if not propoerly chosen is going to ruin my life.

Actually the whole thought process was initiated by a series of marriages of my relatives and some of my close friends. I began to feel that the whole system makes the bride and the groom vnuerable to failure. And still people approach it with a light heart.

I dont want to happen that to me... but still i have no choice.... all the birds are on the tree and i dont know how to climb one....

1 comment:

Domestic Avalanche said...

I have kinda same plight.....

As of now even I am 22.5 years old as per birth certificate, but the average age that people guess is 28....oops!

I try to think it is the apparent maturity...even though I know its all about the receding hairline.

And you got only marriage to talk about?

I liked that quote...."The stupidest thing to...."