Saturday, April 29, 2006


Everyones asking.... what do you expect from your wife. ???
Well is that an easy question. ? I myself dont know what i want.
When i see ads in papers i feel people are making marriages a contract.
You specify the deliverables.. and if the product matches your deliverables you marry.

I dont want to be a deliverable myself.

in a class of 60 students only 2 or 3 will be your good friends. Some will be just acquaintances. So how did those 2 or three become your good friends ?? Is it becasue you published your requirements, they satisfied it... and you decided to be friends.... I guess not. You studied in the same class and through interaction you knew in your sub conscious mind that you are compatiable and you beamce friends.

Friends can be changed. We can get a new friend any day. But can I get a new wife when i want ?? I guess NO willl be the answer. None seems to care abt this compatiability issue. Everyones looking at the deliverables only.

I expect to live happily with my wife. But how can i create the requirements for my wife so that ill be happy with her after marriage.

How can you guarantee that you will be happy if your wife meets so and so conditions.
if you feel so.... then meet you one year after your marriage cos ive seen fully satisfied on their requirements before marriage and unhappy about their spouse after marriage.


Nikhil said...

Arranged marriages require more luck than love marriages for its success. No one can understand his/her life partner with a conversation of about 30 minutes.
But all arranged marriages are not failure. The partners can understand eachother to an extent and the rest is fulfilled through mutual compromise. Life leads to failure due to the lack of this undertanding and compromise.
All love marriages are not success. It will be a big blunder to say that lovers can understand eachother well befor the marriage. They will come to face different risky life situations together after the marriage. One's partner's behaviour in such a situation couldnot be predicted before the marriage because they hadn't faced it in their "lovig season". The mentality for commiting a compromise
in the future life will be less in love marriage.
So we cannot say that arranged marriage or love marriage is better than each other. Both has favorable and unfavorable sides.

Unknown said...

"Life leads to failure due to the lack of this undertanding and compromise"

Understanding and compromise like you said is the key. But why take a risk and settle for less ? Marry someone without even being a friend for sometime and then compromising is seems a bad idea than marrying a friend and then compromising.

Would you invest in a lottory or a mutual fund ??

Jo said...

My feelings exactly...